von der Ohe

Co-Founder, CEO


Man hat vielleicht einmal im Leben die Gelegenheit, die Gesellschaft rund um den Globus positiv zu beeinflussen. Eine Möglichkeit, wirklich etwas zu verändern. Unser alternatives Konzept wie wir zum autonomen Fahren gelangen bietet uns diese Chance: Wir definieren die Art und Weise, wie sich Menschen fortbewegen, neu und besser. Mit diesem großartigen Team ein Produkt zu entwickeln und es auf die Straße zu bringen, ist das, was mich Tag und Nacht antreibt.


Launch des ersten selbstfahrenden Fahrzeugs von Zoox auf öffentlichen Straßen als leitender Technical Program Manager im Silicon Valley, Launch des ersten Amazon Echo als leitender Technical Program Manager für Gerätesoftware, Gründung von zwei (finanzierten) Mobilitätsunternehmen. M. Sc. Management Science und Engineering, Universität Stanford.


Co-Founder, CTO


Gemeinsam mit einem großartigen Team Produkte zu entwickeln, die auf Spitzentechnologie basieren, um einem größeren Zweck zu dienen und Probleme zu lösen – für die Menschen und für unseren Planeten.


Leitung und Aufbau eines Ingenieur:innen-Teams im Silicon Valley, das autonome Shuttles und verschiedene Mobilitätsprodukte entwickelt hat: E-Rennautos, E-Motorräder, E-Leichtfahrzeuge, E-PKWs, darunter eines der erfolgreichsten E-Lieferfahrzeuge in Deutschland. RWTH Aachen, Imperial College London.



Co-founder, VP Engineering & Teledrive Experience


Vay hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, das erste Fahrzeug ohne Sicherheitsfahrer:in auf öffentlichen Straßen in Europa einzuführen. Dieses Vorhaben ist mit spannenden technischen Herausforderungen verbunden, von denen viele noch nie zuvor in Angriff genommen wurden. Die Entwicklung von technischen Lösungen für diese Themen ist eine Arbeit, die mir bei Vay besonders Spaß macht.


Teamleiter bei Microsoft, Senior Software Engineer bei Skype. M. Sc. in Informatik an der Universität Belgrad.




VP Programs and Engineering Operations


Die enge Zusammenarbeit mit Menschen aus verschiedenen Kulturen und mit unterschiedlichen beruflichen Hintergründen (Hardware, Software, Operations usw.) gibt mir die Möglichkeit, jeden Tag neue Herangehensweisen zu lernen, wie man Projekte plant, Teams strukturiert und Prozesse aufsetzt. Die Ergebnisse dieser großartigen Teamarbeit sind sehr bereichernd und in jedem unsere Arbeitsschritte sichtbar.


Teil des Managementkreises bei der AUDI AG, verantwortlich für die Implementierung von Prototypen in frühen Entwicklungsphasen neuer Produkte (Innovationsfahrzeuge, Konzept- und Vorserienfahrzeuge, Showcars, Designmodelle, Einzelteil-Testings, PoCs, 3D-Druck)




Was mich antreibt, ist die Arbeit an Zielen, die einen großen Einfluss auf die Gesellschaft haben. Außerdem wollte ich mit den klügsten und innovativsten Menschen in der Welt der Technik zusammenarbeiten. Das geht bei Vay besser als in jedem anderen Unternehmen, mit dem ich in letzter Zeit gesprochen habe.


Verantwortlich für globale strategische Partnerschaften bei Uber, wo er sich auf Verhandlungen mit Automobilherstellern, Fahrzeugflottenbetreibern, Unternehmen für Fahrzeugbatterietechnologie und Anbietern von Elektrifizierungsinfrastruktur konzentrierte.War CEO und Chief Growth Officer bei Quirk. Begann sein Berufsleben nach dem Studium der Wirtschafts- und Finanzwissenschaften bei Morgan Stanley als Fixed Income Trader. Er baute 2002 den ersten Startup-Inkubator in Afrika auf und ist seit über zehn Jahren Mentor für Gründer von Technologie-Startups. Er ist Angel-Investor im Bereich Softwaretechnologie und ist in einigen dieser Unternehmen im Vorstand.



US General Manager


Wir stehen kurz davor, den Nutzer:innen in Las Vegas die Möglichkeit zu geben, die Vay Magie zum ersten Mal zu erleben. Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass sie es als ein wertvolles und schickes In-App-Erlebnis empfinden werden. Es macht Spaß, diese Technologie (Fernsteuerung) zu ermöglichen und etwas zu schaffen, das die Nutzer:innen lieben und von dem sie ihren Freund:innen erzählen.


Mitgründer und Global General Manager von Uber Rent & Valet, einer neuen Mobilitätsinvestition von Uber. Er leitete das Global Vehicles Team bei Uber und war für die Planung und die Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung verantwortlich. Er baute das Fahrzeuggeschäft von Uber in Lateinamerika auf und leitete das customer-facing Financial Services Business in Afrika südlich der Sahara. Er leitete internationale Finanzdienstleistungsstrategien mit der Boston Consulting Group für John Deere und konzentrierte sich dabei auf Regionen wie Brasilien, Afrika und Indien.


Senior Principal Software Engineer


Nachdem ich lange in der Forschung im Bereich der autonomen Robotik im Silicon Valley gearbeitet habe, freue ich mich sehr, jetzt in einem Unternehmen tätig zu sein, das diese Technologie endlich auch in unseren Alltag integrieren möchte.


Tech Lead bei Google Tango in Mountain View, Research Engineer bei Willow Garage, Yogalehrer seit 2018.



Lead Industrial Designer


Was mich bei Vay antreibt, ist der Enthusiasmus und die Leidenschaft für eine Vision, die in der Unternehmenskultur verankert ist, und gleichzeitig die strenge Disziplin bei deren Umsetzung.


Leiterin des industriellen Produktdesigns bei TEAMS DESIGN GmbH für über sechs Jahre, begann als Trainee in Shanghai City. Arbeitete als Industrie- und Produktdesignerin bei LOTHAR BOHM ASSOCIATES LIMITED, Lutz Herrmann Design, Indeed Innovation und Werksdesign.


Director of Software Engineering


Ingenieur:innen dabei zu unterstützen, den besten Job machen zu können. Eleganz in der Software. Ideen aus Büchern in das wirkliche Leben und von einem Bereich in den anderen zu übertragen. Schnell von A nach B zu kommen.


Software-Generalist. Karten- und Mobilitäts-Geek (Lon, Lat not Lat, Lon). High Load bei Yandex, Geo Analytics und Last Mile bei HERE Maps, Mobility Platform bei Daimler. Conway’s Law Enthusiast.




Ich mag Autos, Autofahren und Technik.


Erzieherin und Kinderpflegerin in einem Kindergarten. Fahrerin bei Skoda’s Caredriver.

Help center


Updated Vay Service FAQ

General Questions

You can find a detailed summary on how our service works here.

You can rent the car for $0.35/min, which covers tax and insurance. During 'stopover' mode, when the vehicle is parked and you're not driving, the rental rate reduces to $0.05/min ($3 per hour). Our prices are guaranteed to be half the cost of Uber. If you find any trip where we're not at least 50% cheaper than Uber, simply send a screenshot of the Uber or Lyft quote for the same route to and we'll refund you for the entire trip.

Additionally, Vay will take care of the parking costs if you park in a public metered space. Otherwise, please cover the associated parking costs yourself during your stopover.

You can take the car anywhere! During that time you can do temporary stopovers - you can use the app to lock and unlock the car. Be aware that doing stopovers requires internet connection to lock/unlock the car. At the end of your trip, simply return the vehicle within the designated white area shown in the app. Please keep in mind that your total rental time (including stopovers) may not exceed 12 hours.

Our driverless delivery service operates Monday to Friday from 7am to 10pm, and Saturday to Sunday from 9am to 10pm. You can request a driverless delivery in the purple area.

You can also pick up the car yourself anytime, day or night (24/7). Note: If you are under 21, you can only self-pickup between the hours of 6AM - 10PM.

You can keep the car for up to 12 hours. Don’t forget to put the car into “stopover” mode when you take a break from driving. This will lock the car and you are charged the lower stopover fee.

No! There’s no need to charge the vehicle before returning it. Just park it and we’ll take care of the rest. But please make sure to not return the car completely empty. Leave at least 30 miles of range available. If you find yourself running low on battery during your trip, you can refer to the instructions in the “How do I charge the vehicle?” section.

Before my trip

You can start the trip by getting a car delivered driverlessly in the purple area. Tap the “Get a car” screen in our app. Choose “Request Car” and drop a pin at your pickup location to get a car delivered to you, or select “self pickup” to walk to the nearest available car.

Yes, please check the car for damages before you start your trip and report any damages by sending an email to with a description and photos attached.

To book a car with Vay, you must be at least 18 years old. If you're between 18 and 20 years old, we have just a few guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable driving experience: License Duration: You should have held your driver's license for at least two years. Driving Record: Your Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) must be clear of any traffic offenses. Trip Times: For your safety, trips cannot be started between 10 PM and 6 AM.

Just a standard US driver's license and you’re good to go!

Vay works on an on-demand basis. So when you need a car, just grab one through our app. If you chose to pick up a car yourself, you can reserve it for 20 minutes for free via the “Vay” app.

When requesting a Vay, we will make a pre-authorization on your card of $25. This is a pre-authorization and not a final charge. Note, that your banking institution may send you a charge notification at the time of requesting your Vay.

Once you have completed your trip, the final cost of the trip will be charged to your account and your entire pre-authorization hold will be returned immediately. Please note that some banks may require a few days to return your funds.

During my trip

If it was delivered: Use the app to unlock the car, hop into the driver's seat, and wait for the teledriver to welcome you onboard. The teledriver will inform you about the next steps. If you picked up the car yourself: Just open the car with the app and start your trip.

You can end the trip anywhere in the white area by parking the car yourself (“self park”). You can also request a teledriver in the purple area in case you do not want to park yourself. When you've reached your destination, just open the “Vay” app and request a teledriver to take over (“request teledriver takeback”). If a teledriver takes over, wait in the car until they are connected and confirmed that you can leave the car. Then end your trip through the app.

If there is no teledriver available just park the car yourself and end the trip via the “Vay” app. Please do not park the vehicle at paid private parking grounds when you end your trip as Vay cannot cover those costs for you.

Vay’s vehicles come charged. So in most cases you do not need to worry about charging. If you do, the costs for charging the car are covered by Vay. Recharging the car is simple and convenient with the provider “ChargePoint”. Here’s how to do it:

  • Find the nearest “ChargePoint” station using Apple Maps, Google Maps, or the “ChargePoint” app.
  • The “ChargePoint” card is stored behind the driver's sun visor.
  • Swipe the card at the designated station to begin charging.
  • Place the card back behind the sun visor after use.
  • Please ensure your vehicle is turned off.
  • Open the car's charging port - located in the front of the car - by pressing it.
  • Connect the charging cable to your vehicle.
  • The charging station's display will indicate the charging status.

If you make a stopover while charging the car, we can reimburse you for up to 7 hours. Simply email us at with the duration of the car charging, and we'll take care of the reimbursement.

Please ensure not to deplete the car's battery entirely. End your trip when there's at least 30 miles of range left. If the battery is low and you visit a ChargePoint station to end your trip, we'll deduct $5 from your trip cost. Just send an email to

You can do stopovers anywhere where it’s allowed to park a vehicle. Be aware that doing stopovers requires an internet connection to lock/unlock the car. During a stopover, the vehicle is reserved for you and you are charged only $0.05/min ($3 per hour). Please keep in mind that your total rental time (including stopovers) may not exceed 12 hours.

All public metered parking areas are covered by us, but if you park the vehicle in a private parking area, you need to cover for the parking costs.

Please only park the car in public metered parking areas where Vay takes care of the parking costs or anywhere where parking is free. Please do not park the vehicle at paid private parking grounds when you end your trip as Vay cannot cover those costs for you.

No! Only the person who booked the car is allowed to drive it.

No! Once you start your journey, the teledriver is completely disconnected. You have full privacy and control. If you need assistance during your trip, you can tap the “Help” button in the app and call customer support.

After my trip

There is a “Send Feedback” option after each trip from the trip summary screen. You can also always share feedback directly with the teledriver or send us an email to

In this case please contact customer support via or call +1 (775) 227-5451

Before your trip, please check the car for damages and report any pre-existing damages by sending an email to with a description and photos attached. This step ensures a smooth experience for everyone. You are responsible for any damages that occur to the car during your rental up to $1,000.

Absolutely! A receipt will be sent your way by email once you concluded your trip.


Remain calm.
Turn on the hazard lights.
Please park the vehicle in a safe spot in case of a minor crash, if you are not sure, wait for the police or call us. Before moving the vehicle, please take pictures of the cars and the scene of the accident.
Call the police and report the accident (they might not come for minor crashes, but we still have to report it.
If the vehicle cannot be moved, call us at the Vay Help desk at: +1 (775) 227-5451 and we will support arranging the towing or sending our service team.
Please fill out the accident report with as much as possible detailed data and send it to our claims department: attaching the police report (if applicable). You can find the accident report under the driver's sun visor.

We've got you covered. While Vay cannot make a decision on coverage in every unique situation, Vay maintains insurance for personal injury that occurs as a result of an accident in compliance with local law. The cost of this insurance is included in your rental price. Please check our Terms and Conditions for all the details. If you have any questions, we're here to help!

Remain calm.
If possible, please move the vehicle to a safe spot.
Turn on the hazard lights.
Call local law enforcement.
For emergencies, dial 911
For non-emergencies, dial +1 702-828-3111
Call us at the Vay Help desk at: +1 (775) 227-5451. We will support you by arranging a towing or sending you our service team.

In the event the police requests that you pull the vehicle over:
Stop your vehicle as far out of the lane of travel as possible.
Turn on the hazard lights.
Turn off the engine.
Stay in your vehicle. If you are stopped at night, turn on the interior light. Good lighting assists in good communication.
Keep your hands in plain view at all times (preferably on the steering wheel) and refrain from making any sudden movements. Wait for the officer to request your license, registration, and evidence of insurance.
Vehicle documents are in the folder under the driver's sun visor.
For any support, call us at the Vay Help desk at: +1 (775) 227-5451

You can find them under the driver's sun visor.

Please contact customer support at +1 (775) 227-5451

Please send an email to with a description and photos attached.